Monday, February 23, 2009

I just love the Hotel Del Coronado ( Ever since my family stayed there for Christmas in 1999, the property has always held a special place in my heart. Furthermore, since I love all things Victorian, the iconic red roof is something I am sure I will paint again.

This is a side view of one of the many roof lines at the Hotel Del Coronado ( The Hotel Del has so many interesting views to paint, I could see myself doing a residence there and never running out of vistas.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I completed this painting on a plane. As I have mentioned it before, I often paint while I am flying. I wanted to try something different, so I did this Asian-inspired painting as fast as possible. It is not my normal style since I created this piece so quickly. I completed this in less than thirty minutes.

Monday, February 2, 2009

These images are from an illustrative series I just began. I am trying to expand beyond landscapes. My goal is to make playful and light-hearted illustrations of everyday items.
The blender was easier to paint than the teapot.

Coffee anyone?